Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Nothing to say... turns out is something after all

I'm sitting here on my second night as a 'blogger,' wondering what I should write... and I've been thinking:
Gee, I have barely thought about diabetes at all today.

I don't think Jess even told me her morning number, and then we rushed off to co-op for the whole day. I did spy her once during play practice casually pull out her pump while she munched on a cookie- but that was about it. We'll still have our usual bedtime conference of: 'how are you doing? So, we need to check later/don't need to check later' decision making....but all day it didn't really cross my mind.
No deep thoughts or quirky vignettes.

And so, I was thinking- 2nd post and I'm a failure at this!

And then it occurred to me-

maybe my NOT thinking about diabetes all day is something to say after all- something to say to all of you Moms that have to think about it all day every day because your children are little.

Someday you won't think about it either. 
You'll have confidence that your teen can handle it. 

Now- I know that means your child will have to do all the work instead of you, and maybe that makes you sad... maybe you are thinking-

'You mean heartless mom! I would never be happy not to think about it and it breaks my heart to think of not being my child's pancreas and I'll never be GLAD when he does it all himself. I would happily do it for the rest of his life!'

But, you know and I know that you can't. For our kids, learning to take care of their diabetes is an important part of growing up- just like learning to drive and getting their first job. Of course, just like other areas of growing up- deciding when they are ready for these responsibilities is different for every parent and every child.

So, because my not thinking about it means that Jess is- I AM happy! Happy that she is responsible and today she took it all in stride. :)

And sure, not every day is like this. But plenty are.

So- stand fast and have hope! Your child WILL learn to do this all herself! And you WILL learn to trust her.  It is going to happen.

Now- teaching them to drive.... that's a whole 'nother story!

So, I hope my 'nothing to report on diabetes' encourages your heart in everything about diabetes.

Joyfully in Jesus,

1 comment:

Tracy1918 said...

Yes! Count me in on needing that encouragement sometimes. Matthew just turned 11 and, being all boy, isn't really interested in taking care of all the diabetes stuff. BUT, he's getting better. And I pray that each day he will move closer and closer to independence with d-care. Because, that is definitely what all d-moms want. You help me realize that it might really happen one day!!