Thursday, December 29, 2011

Don't be so shy!

So, on the day before Christmas Eve I was at the grocery store with my big list getting ready for all of the holiday cooking ahead. As I was examining the strawberries, I overheard the lady standing next to me as she spoke into her cell.

"Well, is she high? She could be high."

My ears pricked up. In our family we joke A LOT about sounding like Jess is on drugs or something because we talk about her being high... my first thought was- 'don't assume it's diabetes. Maybe it really is someone, you know, who has a druggie teenager or something. She did sound rather disappointed and almost ashamed, after all. Maybe someone just located her teenager who ran away from home. Found her on the streets or something.... could happen, you know. Not everything is diabetes, after all.'

I listened-

"She just had breakfast. No, don't correct- she'll probably come down. Just give her a little milk.'

Bingo! Definitely T1D! Once again, not the black sheep of the family druggie. Diabetes IS just everywhere! Crazy!

Since I'd already selected my strawberries, I just sort of hung out looking at the overpriced blackberries and waiting for her to hang up. I smiled- ready to say - 'Hi! You must have a diabetic child! I do too! How old is your daughter?'

Instead- she hung up and said- 'Oh, excuse me, I don't even know what I'm doing!' and walked away as quickly as possible.

I was so sad!
Her face told me everything- 'you won't understand. I'm all alone.'

I debated running after her for a moment, but decided that it would cross the line from friendly to creepy.

I moved on to the meat section.

But, I keep thinking about her. Wondering... I mean, this was my local grocery store... this is someone in my community.

I know some people really need their privacy... I on the other hand, tend to be a pretty extreme extrovert. I crave connecting with others- knowing someone understands and also being able to tell someone else that I understand...  but I guess se didn't.

I respect that... but I find it sad.

The DOC has really taught me how important it is to reach out, to ask for help, to be here for each other.

Talking really does help!
And so does listening.

Maybe I'll see her again.

I won't force my extrovert self on her... I'll behave. I'll just smile.

Well... maybe I'll call to Jessica in a loud voice and say: 'Hey Jess, should we get more juice boxes for all of those LOWS YOU'VE BEEN HAVING???"

You know.. just to give her a chance.... :)


Tracy1918 said...

Hi! I know Jess, but I didn't realize that you had a blog too. I can't wait to read it and get to "know" you. must be such a good mom. I love Jess. I pray that my son, Matthew, will handle life and diabetes like Jess. She sets a good example. : )

Tracy1918 said...

Hi Susie! I just wanted to pop over and say that you do not have to include the exercise part. It's just a way to provide accountability for the things important to you. I once saw where Kat wrote that the goal is to wake up FOR your children, not TO your children. I view the goal as quiet time early. I do try to fit in walking, but never early! LOL! Happy New Year!

Susie said...

thanks, Tracy!!