Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thank you Nice Moms Everywhere!!!

Still on vacation here... thank you for your prayers! Jess has been doing pretty well with a few "normal" nights  (our version of normal- ha ha)

So- today, we headed down the beach about a mile to a place where there was a platform out in the water that you could swim out to and then have fun jumping off. Sophie and I had seen it the other day and convinced everyone to come with us to try it out.
So, we headed down the beach with just a D bag in tow. We didn't even bring towels, since we wouldn't have anywhere to put them while we were in the water. The shoreline is just one hotel after another with each hotel's chairs and residents sprawled on the beach front.

We got to the spot and I spied out a 'Mom Looking Person' lounging in a chair in the shade. I went up and asked her if I could leave our bag beside her chair. I added a quick explanation that my daughter was diabetic and had to have 'her stuff' with her. (Just so she wouldn't think I was a total slouch!)

She was so gracious and asked if it would be OK where I left it. I headed to the water with a smile on my face-
Thank you Lord, for the sisterhood of motherhood! 

It feels so good to find that Mom-Bond in a foreign land with a complete stranger. I knew our stuff was safe. I knew she totally did not mind at all.

I got to the platform and my husband asked- where's the stuff? They all had, of course, just handed me their T-shirts and room keys as if I had access to some magical Mom Locker.

I told him about the 'Nice Mom.' He looked at me like I was a little crazy.

"Is any of it going to be there when we get back?"

"Of course!"

We had a blast jumping off, joking about sharks and having diving contests.
Wes headed back first and found my new friend and took the key out of the bag.

After a while, we headed back too. Jess checked herself right there, and this kind woman offered her an apple.

No annoying comments.
No misinformation.
No panic or undue anxiety.

Jess was around 160- so we said, 'thanks, no- we are good!'

Thanked her for watching the stuff and headed down the beach to our hotel.

I'm still smiling to myself about that Nice Mom.
Makes me feel good.
Such a small gesture and yet...
You know- there are some really nice people in the world.
People who care.
People who are kind.

I need to remember that when I run into someone who is just having a bad day or doesn't know any better.

So- thank you, Nice Moms Everywhere!!!! 
You make the world a lovelier place. 
You just make things easier, friendlier.
You make me smile.
You share and model love to my children and yours.

And it makes me want to be a Nice Mom too.

1 comment:

Tracy1918 said...

Glad you're having a great time!!