Saturday, January 7, 2012

Laughter is better than insulin.... well , almost :)

Diabetes gets old. It wearies us. It never goes away.

My main strategy as a D-Mom to help Jess with the weariness of it all is to make her laugh and I usually end up laughing along with her. I don't know.... I think it helps. When we can joke about it, it's like we are saying
 in our best super-hero voice:
"Ha ha, Diabetes! You thought you could beat us, you thought you could get us down, but we laugh at you! "

It can be empowering, freeing, and unifying.

Plus, it just makes life fun to find the funny... I mean, we have to do all this stuff- test, etc- whether we have fun or not, right?

So- I thought I would try to write some posts- shorter hopefully!- of all the different zany things that happen and that we say that make us laugh and be silly about diabetes. These are the kind of things I want written down to remember anyway.

They might just sound dumb... some things are only funny in the 'you had to be there' kinda way, and some things, I think, are only funny to Jess and me! Maybe someone else will think they are funny too, and I hope you find your own super-hero voice and give diabetes a good karate chop!
Hiiiii yaaa!

So, the first one I thought of was this:

About a month or so ago I was in the throes of lyme disease- I had a pretty bad case and it made me exhausted, weak, and loopy in the head among other things.So, one night I was lying in bed reading around  and I fell asleep. Jess appeared at the door around 10:00 PM and said "Mom, I'm low. I'm 75" (or something around there..)
 I was in a comatose state. I'm not sure my eyes opened, but I said:

"Correct, correct, correct."

Jess- in patient Florence nightingale voice: 'No, Mom...'

me: "Correct, correct, correct"

Then, suddenly, a little bit more of my brain woke up-
my eyes popped open, bugged eyed, I yelled:


I saw Jess's face- a trying not to laugh, you are so ridiculous face.

Jess: "OK, Mom. Don't worry, I'm fine- I'm not going to sleep yet anyway."

I mumbled something about Dad.. tell.. when he gets home...

thats all I remember!

It still makes me smile... and very thankful that Jess knows what she is doing!!

btw- she had some juice, rechecked several times and was fine... 


Tracy1918 said...

Love the superhero voice. Matthew will love that! Keep the funny stories coming. You're right about laughter. I need more!

Misty said...

I agree with Tracy..keep the funny stories coming :)