Most of the time I hear from others, and feel myself, 2 things from living with diabetes:
#1 exhaustion
#2 weariness ..... that it is NEVER ENDING and 24/7 and the learning curve never goes away because things are always changing.
Would you say that about sums it up?
Sure, there are other serious issues too- but all of the other issues, like bad lows, persistent highs, people not understanding, sites failing, all of these tend to add to the 2 big never ending issues:
So, I was thinking about this the other night as I got up for the third round of 30 minute intervals to see if we had conquered the darn low...
and I thought...
exhaustion and weariness....
What does Jesus say about that?
He says:
'Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.'
Jesus knows all about how hard life can be.
He does not say- ''Hey, whats wrong with you people? Why are you so exhausted and burdened? Why don't you just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get it together? "
Jesus even knows exactly how tired and burdened I personally am- and for anyone reading this-
He knows your exact burdens too.
He knows and remembers how many times you got up last night.
He knows about sending your child to school , wondering if they will remember to use their cell phone.
He knows about all the extra work with carb counting... I'm guessing that if Jesus knows every hair on your head, He also knows exactly how many grams of carbs you eat! every time.
He knows about every time you wake up on your own and try to decide if you should just go do an extra check since you are awake anyway.
He knows how your heart feels when your child's eyes meet yours in a situation where diabetes is getting in the way.
Jesus knows how you feel each and every morning when you look in your child's bedroom to see if they are OK.
And He knows, He cares, that we do this EVERY SINGLE DAY.
And He offers a solution- really, there IS a solution!
He says:
Come to ME!
All you D-Moms that are tired from being up at night and heavy-laden with the responsibility of being your child's pancreas, come to Me,
I will give you rest.
It is that simple, and that profound at the same time.
I know that I need to be reminded of it over and over.
Rest = peace, calm, being still. and Jesus gives it.
How? How do I find this rest when I have all of these worries swirling around in my head? And they are not false worries about things that will never happen! This stuff is real! These numbers are bad and this is not the flu or even cancer... it is never going to go away! How do I find rest in THIS???!!
Ever been there?
Well, Jesus' next words tell me how-
Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart.
A yoke is a farm tool that an animal wears, usually an ox, when it is plowing the field. The yoke usually holds 2 animals and they have to work together in tandem, making the same moves, in order to plow the field.
Taking Jesus' yoke means getting in the yoke with Him, it is His yoke, so He is the lead 'animal,' and we-
we are to follow
to submit
to plow whatever field we find ourselves in (like the living with diabetes field)
the way Jesus would do it
surrendered to Him, AND in the strength of His Spirit
Here is an interesting fact:
An animal that resists the yoke develops blisters
and the yoke becomes painful.
But when the animal willingly submits:
the yoke doesn't hurt.
Having a child with diabetes is a very hard thing to accept willingly.
But until I accept it, that yoke is going to hurt.
Once I get up from just being a heap of despair on the ground and say, 'OK, Lord, lets do this'
then, the healing can begin. Then God can even work through me to bless my child, to bless others, to give me joy and abundant life.
Sure there are days I stumble on a stone in the field and I'm just a little heap again.
But Jesus is so gentle- He has the same words for me every time:
Come to Me, (again!) all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Our physical bodies may still be worn out and need a good nap- but our souls- deep down -can truly find rest and peace in Jesus. Life can be crazy and hard work, but we know it will all be OK. We know Who is in control. When we submit to His Holy Spirit within us, we are able to endure and continue in His strength, His hope, His faithfulness, His joy.
This may sound cliche to some... but it is really true.
There are so many things in life that we have to put in God's hands, trust Him.
A child with diabetes is one of the harder ones, one of the more daily ones... but it is still the same answer...
Anyone feeling weary and heavy-laden?
Come to Jesus!
I could NOT do it without Him!
Matthew 11: 28-30
#1 exhaustion
#2 weariness ..... that it is NEVER ENDING and 24/7 and the learning curve never goes away because things are always changing.
Would you say that about sums it up?
Sure, there are other serious issues too- but all of the other issues, like bad lows, persistent highs, people not understanding, sites failing, all of these tend to add to the 2 big never ending issues:
So, I was thinking about this the other night as I got up for the third round of 30 minute intervals to see if we had conquered the darn low...
and I thought...
exhaustion and weariness....
What does Jesus say about that?
He says:
'Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.'
Jesus knows all about how hard life can be.
He does not say- ''Hey, whats wrong with you people? Why are you so exhausted and burdened? Why don't you just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get it together? "
Jesus even knows exactly how tired and burdened I personally am- and for anyone reading this-
He knows your exact burdens too.
He knows and remembers how many times you got up last night.
He knows about sending your child to school , wondering if they will remember to use their cell phone.
He knows about all the extra work with carb counting... I'm guessing that if Jesus knows every hair on your head, He also knows exactly how many grams of carbs you eat! every time.
He knows about every time you wake up on your own and try to decide if you should just go do an extra check since you are awake anyway.
He knows how your heart feels when your child's eyes meet yours in a situation where diabetes is getting in the way.
Jesus knows how you feel each and every morning when you look in your child's bedroom to see if they are OK.
And He knows, He cares, that we do this EVERY SINGLE DAY.
And He offers a solution- really, there IS a solution!
He says:
Come to ME!
All you D-Moms that are tired from being up at night and heavy-laden with the responsibility of being your child's pancreas, come to Me,
I will give you rest.
It is that simple, and that profound at the same time.
I know that I need to be reminded of it over and over.
Rest = peace, calm, being still. and Jesus gives it.
How? How do I find this rest when I have all of these worries swirling around in my head? And they are not false worries about things that will never happen! This stuff is real! These numbers are bad and this is not the flu or even cancer... it is never going to go away! How do I find rest in THIS???!!
Ever been there?
Well, Jesus' next words tell me how-
Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart.
A yoke is a farm tool that an animal wears, usually an ox, when it is plowing the field. The yoke usually holds 2 animals and they have to work together in tandem, making the same moves, in order to plow the field.
Taking Jesus' yoke means getting in the yoke with Him, it is His yoke, so He is the lead 'animal,' and we-
we are to follow
to submit
to plow whatever field we find ourselves in (like the living with diabetes field)
the way Jesus would do it
surrendered to Him, AND in the strength of His Spirit
Here is an interesting fact:
An animal that resists the yoke develops blisters
and the yoke becomes painful.
But when the animal willingly submits:
the yoke doesn't hurt.
Having a child with diabetes is a very hard thing to accept willingly.
But until I accept it, that yoke is going to hurt.
Once I get up from just being a heap of despair on the ground and say, 'OK, Lord, lets do this'
then, the healing can begin. Then God can even work through me to bless my child, to bless others, to give me joy and abundant life.
Sure there are days I stumble on a stone in the field and I'm just a little heap again.
But Jesus is so gentle- He has the same words for me every time:
Come to Me, (again!) all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Our physical bodies may still be worn out and need a good nap- but our souls- deep down -can truly find rest and peace in Jesus. Life can be crazy and hard work, but we know it will all be OK. We know Who is in control. When we submit to His Holy Spirit within us, we are able to endure and continue in His strength, His hope, His faithfulness, His joy.
This may sound cliche to some... but it is really true.
There are so many things in life that we have to put in God's hands, trust Him.
A child with diabetes is one of the harder ones, one of the more daily ones... but it is still the same answer...
Anyone feeling weary and heavy-laden?
Come to Jesus!
I could NOT do it without Him!
Matthew 11: 28-30